Google Geotargeting

August 19, 2010

De-a lungul timpului ne-am contrazis unii cu altii asupra ce conteaza pentru google, IP-ul, extensia domeniului, ambele, nici una, etc.
Asadar pentru a clarifica putin lucrurile, conform acestui articol ne sunt explicate urmatoarele:

If no information is entered in Webmaster Tools, we’ll continue to make geographic associations largely based on the top-level domain (e.g. or .ca) and the IP address of the webserver from which the context was served.

If no information is entered in Webmaster Tools, we’ll rely largely on the site’s country domain (.ca, .de, etc.). If an international domain (.com, .org, .eu, etc) has been used, we’ll rely on the IP address. If you change hosting provider for a country domain, there should be no impact. If you change the hosting provider of an international domain to a provider in another country, we recommend using Webmaster Tools to tell us which country your site should be associated with.

Practic, conteaza extensia domeniului si IP-ul serverului web doar in cazul in care nu ti-ai facut setarile necesare in contul tau de Google Webmaster Tools.

Tags: Google, Webmaster,

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